It’s time to hit the trails!! Your rig is safe and reliable, you have tow points and a radio, you have the equipment you need, [ … ]
Equipment List
Whether it’s an easy run down a forestry road or a rock crawl to a summit, you need to have the right equipment in your [ … ]
There are very few types of terrain more demanding on vehicles and drivers than rock. A vehicle that lacks the necessary skid plates and [ … ]
ARB Roof Tent
By Lachlan Palmer.The ARB Series III Simpson Roof Tent has been fantastic. At first I was hesitant on the cost, but made a spontaneous purchase regardless. [ … ]
Lachlan’s Camping Cruiser
Lachlan’s “Swamp Donkey” started life as 1981 Toyota Landcruiser BJ60. Since then it has had the body and frame swapped with a 1988 FJ62 and the [ … ]
Oasis Tire Deflators
If you have read our article on tire pressure then you know you need to air down for rough roads, and the Oasis Trailhead Automatic Tire [ … ]
Backroad Mapbooks
I have been using Backroad Mapbooks for so long I honestly couldn’t tell you when I got my first one. I can tell you it [ … ]
Is Your Rig Trail Worthy?
Even a vehicle that looks rough and tough may not actually be ready to take onto dirt roads. This isn’t about what tires you have [ … ]
Snow Wheeling
Even a light skiff of snow can turn an easy hill into an impassable obstacle, and deep snow can stop all but the most extreme [ … ]
Preparing Yourself
Your vehicle has to be ready for a day in the woods (there will be a separate article on that), but you have to be [ … ]